Benefits of Cat Grooming by Dr Anne Fawcett
Grooming your cat can be a difficult task at the best of times. Cats are far more solitary than dogs and as such, can become highly distressed during a standard groom or clip. There is also a risk of injuring your cat when grooming at home as the skin on a cats body, especially around the belly, is very loose and can sometimes be hard to see in amongst the hair.
What are the medical benefits of cat grooming?
Our professional groomers are trained to check your cats skin, eyes, ears and mouth during a groom to make sure;
- There are no infections in the eyes, ears, or mouth
- There are no “hot spots” on the skin where there is bacteria and moisture that may cause infection
- There are no sore spots on the skin caused by matted fur
- There are no lesions or scabs caused by excessive scratching
As any of the issues listed above can lead to more serious conditions.
We recommend our professional grooming service
Sydney Animal Hospitals has the facilities on hand to lightly sedate your cat, allowing us to ensure that they experience no discomfort during the grooming process.