Don’t ignore your cat’s bad breath
It’s important to keep an eye on the condition of your cat’s mouth. If your cat has bad breath, it might not be just a sign of ageing it may be caused by presence of harmful bacteria and toxins, which can have a significant impact on your cat’s health. You need to think: “How would I like that pathology going on in my mouth?”
Your cats mouth is a warm, moist environment and has enough nutrients present to fuel the growth of organisms, making the oral cavity of your cat a perfect incubator for all sorts of different bacteria. Most bacteria are normal and natural but once plaque and calculus form on the teeth the balance of good and bad bacteria shifts, and pathogenic organisms begin to grow.
Far too often during a physical examination, veterinarians find that their feline patient has a foul odour coming from the mouth, leading to the discovery of generalised periodontitis. But foul breath is merely a warning sign that there is a disease process far more serious currently active in your cat’s mouth.