How to Keep Your Pets Healthy and Happy During a Pandemic
With the global pandemic, normal routines have gone out the window. Between working from home and staying on top of housework, it’s easy for pet parents to overlook the needs of their pets. The stress can cause problems for everyone – pets included. Want to ensure the needs of your pets are met – pandemic aside?
We are still open: Vets are an essential service so we are open for all your pets-medications, parasite control, pet nutrition and veterinary services. As per NSW Government regulations to keep everyone safe and to help us stay open for your pets, we are operating by a NON-CONTACT patient transfer at Sydney Animal Hospitals.
Read on for some tips that will help to keep pets healthy and safe during a pandemic.
1. Exercises can help
Exercises will go a long way in keeping pets healthy and happy. Try to offer them toys, when possible, to release their pent-up energy. If your pet has shown signs of being bored with their existing toys, put them away and give them “new ones”. Rotate them with their old toys. Or try hiding treats all over the house and allowing your pets to find them. Remember doggy walks are allowed during lockdown so what a great excuse to spend some quality time with the pooch! Vet clinic staff will be able to give you some more ideas.
2. Avoid overfeeding and underfeeding
Both overfeeding and underfeeding can be detrimental to the health of your pet. Make sure that you have a regular feeding schedule and not feeding extra-human meals every time family members are eating. Call your local vet clinic to ask about the recommended feeding frequency and amounts for your pets.
3. Don’t forget your pet’s vaccinations
Make sure your pets have up-to-date vaccinations. If your pet is due simply book an appointment online at If you have any other concerns about your pet ask your vet clinic in Sydney while you are there.