Paralysis Tick by Dr Sam Haynes
Adult paralysis tick, and an engorged paralysis tick after feeding
The Australian paralysis tick Ixodes holocyclus receives its name from the highly potent toxin it injects into its victims whilst it feeds. This toxin is only dangerous to humans through prolonged contact or in the event of a severe allergic reaction, however in regards to our pets, this toxin can cause paralysis and in some cases, death. The paralysis ticks size and appearance can vary as highlighted by the image above, but generally if found, the paralysis tick may look and feel like a small lump or wart.
The ticks themselves can be exceedingly difficult to find, even in pets with short hair. The best way to search your pet for a tick is to gently run your hands through its fur going against the grain and checking under arms, tails, between toes and inside lips. If you discover one tick, don’t stop searching because often pets can have several ticks on them at once.