What is Cat Flu? by Dr Sam Haynes
Cat flu is a term applied to infections that result in a flu like state, which is caused by feline herpes virus or feline calcivirus.
Some symptoms to keep an eye out for include:
- Sneezing
- Coughing
- Gagging
- Excessive Salivation
- Nasal Congestion or discharge
- Conjunctivitis
- Corneal or Oral Ulceration
- Lethargy or reluctance to eat
Is Cat Flu contagious?
Yes Cat Flu is contagious and is passed through the air or via contact from cat to cat. It is for this reason that cats living in close quarters often experience a rapid spread of the disease. Commonly Cat Flu is seen amongst kittens and those cats that are un-vacccinated or immune suppressed.
What can I do to prevent my pet from getting sick?
Prevention is better than the cure, so we recommend vaccinating all cats against cat flu. These are considered core vaccines along with feline panluecopaenia or feline parvovirus. Vaccination may not completely prevent infection in all cases; however, vaccinated cats will recover faster if they do succumb to infection.
If your cat does get infected there are now antiviral medications that work very well in clearing the infection.
Cat flu generally resolves with adequate treatment over one to two weeks and cats make a full recovery, so if you suspect your cat may have Cat Flu or is displaying any of the above symptoms, please contact your local vet immediately.