Is your pet in pain?
What is Chronic Pain by Dr Angela Phillips
Most people have experienced, or know someone who lives with chronic pain. It affects all facets of their professional and personal life. Chronic pain can occur when acute pain isn’t adequately treated, or where there is nerve injury. In medicine, we call this type of pain “maladaptive”. Its as if the nervous system remembers the pain pathway. It develops memory. When this happens, it takes less of a stimulus to set things off. For instance, a light touch might elicit a severe pain response. Eventually, even when the initial problem has resolved and healed, the pain persists. This happens in animals too.
What causes chronic pain in animals?
One of the more common causes of chronic pain is osteoarthritis. Over 80% of animals over the age of 10yrs have some degree of osteoarthritis. Does your cat shudder or twitch when you stroke its lower back? Does your dogs circle more than normal before it lays down? Do they show reluctance to do stairs on jump in and out the car? When you cat sits down, does it hold one of its front paws slightly off the ground? Other causes of chronic pain include dental disease, chronic ear infections and nerve or spinal pain.
What is Arthritis?
Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease where the cartilage within the joint is worn away, leading to inflammation and pain.
It’s the most common cause of impaired mobility in cats and dogs are the signs of arthritis are often incorrectly attributed to ‘slowing down due to the natural ageing process’.
Cats and dogs can be quite effective at hiding their pain which makes it difficult to recognise arthritis in its early stages.
Arthritis is a lifelong condition that requires a combination of attentive home care and veterinary care.
Take steps to change your pets lifestyle to reduce their arthritis symptoms
Place your pet’s food and water bowls in a location that doesn’t require stretching, climbing or jumping. Follow our nutritional guidance for weight control, as joint problems may be aggravated by excess weight.
Our vet may prescribe a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to help relieve the pain and inflammation associated with chronic arthritis. You should notice a difference within a matter of days with effective treatment. In addition, you may also be recommended supplements to further help with mobility. Arthritis is a lifelong condition, and the underlying disease doesn’t disappear even if the signs have resolved. For this reason it is important to talk to your vet about appropriate longterm use of medication, including what side-effects to be aware of and how frequently your pet should be rechecked.

Cat Checklist
Is your cat showing signs of arthritis?
Please complete this self-evaluation and share it with our vet to help identify the potential onset of arthritis in your cat.
Have you noticed that your cat:

Cat Checklist
Dos your dog show signs of arthritis?
Please complete this self-evaluation and share it with our vet to help identify the potential onset of arthritis in your dog.
Have you noticed that your cat:

How do we prevent chronic pain from developing?
The aim is to successfully treat acute pain when it presents. The longer it persists, the more likely a chronic state will develop. For the limping patient start ani inflammatory treatment early and for the full duration of the course.
For the dental patient, addressing diseased mouths before severe periodontal disease sets in.
Using local blocks at the time of even routine surgery to stop the development of pain. Making use of ancillary treatments such as icing post surgery and rehabilitation exercises.
What if chronic pain is already occurring?
The treatment of pain has progressed a lot in the last 5 years. Where once it was give them an anti inflammatory course and all will be ok. Now we have a whole list of modalities that block or dappen pain at various levels. We have drugs that slow the nerve impulse that causes pain, drugs that reduce the pain response in the spinal cord and medications that reduce the perception of pain. We call this a multi modal approach to treating pain. There are also a range of non-pharmaceutical ancillary methods we can utilise. For very severe cases we have a team of pain practitioners that can come to our clinic to work with those patients.
Our Sydney Animal Hospital teams completed a staff training seminar ‘Fundamentals of Anaesthesia’. Dr Donna White BVSc (hons) MVS MANZCVS (Anaesthesia and Critical Care) from the Sydney Animal Pain Clinic provided our team with the most up to date information on anaesthesia and pain management for our clients pets. The seminar included Anaesthesia, Anaesthestic equipment and Pain Management Medications.

DID YOU KNOW from Dr Donna;
Did you know cats may sleep more when in pain?

5 Signs your Dog Might
Be In Pain with Dr Ben Brown
For more information on pain in pets Sydney Animal Hospitals Northern Beaches Dr Ben Brown spoke with the team at DOOG (Dog Owners Outdoor Gear) on 5 signs your dog might be in pain.

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