Heartworm Prevention in Dogs

Heartworm Prevention in Dogs
Heartworm in dogs is a potentially fatal disease that is transmitted from infected to uninfected dogs by mosquitoes. These mosquitoes inject a number of tiny worms (microfilaria) into the dog’s body which then mature into adult heartworm over about 6 months. These adult worms settle inside the chambers of the heart and interfere with the flow of blood. Adult heartworm infection causes heart failure which can result in serious illness and death. Treatment for Heartworm disease is very lengthy and expensive to so prevention is much better than cure!
According to the Australian Heartworm Advisory Panel, year-round heartworm protection is recommended for every dog Australia wide. Therefore, just as we vaccinate pets against deadly viral diseases, heartworm prophylaxis is an important cornerstone of preventative care. Whilst monthly heartworm preventatives have been demonstrated to be effective (when given every month) any lapse in treatment puts patients at higher risk of heartworm disease. Recent research showed that complacency around heartworm prevention has resulted in dogs testing positive to heartworm, in fact around 40% of dogs diagnosed with heartworm disease are on owner-given monthly heartworm preventatives.
Sydney Animal Hospitals offers all patients on monthly prevention a free heartworm test when you switch to annual protection.

Flea Treatment
(Ctenocephalides Felis)
for 12 months (1 Year)
Control of Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD)

Paralysis Tick Treatment
(Ixodes holocyclus)
for 12 Months (1 year)

Brown Dog Treatment
Control of Brown dog Tick
(Rhipicephalus sanguineus)
for 11 months